Benefit are definitely one of my favorite make up brands, so I couldn't help but purchase this little set when I first saw it.
I purchased this set from Debenhams for €55 which was such a good price considering the products it contains.
Firstly how cute is the tin? Honestly I was not expecting it to be as big as it is. It now sits on my window still and stores all my wristbands.
The Porefessional
This stuff is amazing! Its silky and very lightweight on the skin. It is a very light brown in colour which is great as it helps add a little more coverage, and helps your foundation last for hours. I've used this so much and it's almost gone so I definitely have to pick up another bottle.

They're Real Mascara
I'm not going to lie when I first used this I was so disappointed because I didn't understand the hype. However I decided to keep using it and I am so glad I did. This stuff is amazing my lashes look so much longer and fuller when I use this. It is definitely one of my favorite mascaras.
This lipgloss is such a gorgeous coral colour. It's so pigmented and smells really nice. It also has such a gorgeous shine. Im not a huge lipgloss lover but I adore putting this over my Kate Moss Rimmel Lipstick in 110.
This highlighter is so pretty. Its a golden bronze colour and is absolutely gorgeous on the cheek bones or brow bones.
Have you tried any of these products, what's your opinion on them?
Thank you so much lovely ♥