About Me

Hi There!

I'm Jordan, I live in Ireland and I'm 25 years of age.

I'm a tad bit obsessed with anything and everything Disney related. Thumper is my absolute favourite along with Bambi closely after. You can bet that I own most of the Bambi range from the Disney Store and I'm not even sorry about it.

I'm a nap enthusiastic because being an adult is extremely stressful and I really like sleep. I have a huge obsession when it comes to Halloween, I don't know exactly why but absolutely everything about it makes me extremely happy and I just adore everything about it. 

I have 3 animals whom are basically my little babies and I love them a lot. 
I have a long haired Guinea Pig named Sheldon. You can read all posts he's been featured in here.
A Lop x Chinchilla Bunny named Aurora. Find all posts about her here.
And a Husky named Aragón. All posts he's featured in are here.

I adore playing video games and you will always find me with my phone by my side. Going to Concerts is one of my favourite things to do since attending my first one at the age of 4. I absolutely love getting to see my favourite artists perform and always have the best time!

I adore all things Beauty related and probably spend a good 80% of my time reading up about the newest beauty release or ordering more makeup for my collection.
I started this blog back in 2014 because I love to write and missed it after leaving school and college. What first started out as only a Beauty blog, I have ventured into Fashion & Lifestyle posts too. Whats a better hobby to have than writing about things you love!?


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